Dr Dijana Bulatović

In 2015. graduated Integrated studies of dentistry at Faculty of Medicine in Novi Sad and has the academic title of Doctor of Dentistry.She did her one -year apprenticeship at Community Health Center in Novi Sad.After getting her State professional licence ,in 2016.,she started working at Dr Lolin practice at a position of polyvalent dentist.At private practice she became skilful and has got working experience at all the necessary fields of dentistry.She has specialized in working with modern generation lasers (Fotona Light Walker and waterlase*iPlus),especially in periodontal disease treatments. She has attended numerous symposiums and conferences as a part of her continual educational and professional development.Also,she has attended seminars (ITOP basic, teeth preparation for all ceramic crowns,inlays,onlays ,veneers… ,hyaluron filler application in aesthetic medicine;DSD-digital smile design…).She is interested in scientific research and also is a co-author of a SCI-list work (’Subjective evaluating and attitude towards dental looks and aesthetics’) .She is a member of Dental Chamber of Serbia.


Graduated at Faculty of Medicine in Novi Sad


Started working at Dr Lolin practice

What they say about us

13TH MARCH 2015.

13TH MARCH 2015.

Two days ago,I had a wisdom tooth removal at your practice and despite my initial fear,the operation was painless and without complications.Thank you a lot!
16TH JULY 2014.

16TH JULY 2014.

You are the best! Teeth repairing,wisdom teeth removal,dental cleaning…all without pain and problems!
17TH JULY 2014.

17TH JULY 2014.

What to say ? Congratulations on your service and politeness.See you soon .
How can we help you?

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If you have any questions for us, would you like to schedule a consultation/review, or to get a work plan?
At any time you have the opportunity to praise or criticize us.

Work hour

Monday - Friday
8:00 - 21:00
8:00 - 13:00

    Zmaj Ognjena Vuka 14

    21000 Novi Sad, Srbija