Dental Clinic Dr Lolin

Dental implants


Dental implants that we insert are officially registrated by Agency for drugs and pharmaceuticals, prices from 350€.

After the dental placement ,a patient gets an international implant passport -The Implant Passport, data about implants, by which the manufacturer garantees their quality. We use only the best quality materials tested during many years of practice.


Feel free to contact us


Organized accomodation and the first dental examination.


3D record and temporary teeth after the dental placement.


3-4 months of permanent dental installation
Dental implants - step 1

Contact us!

Be free and do not hasitate to contact us!. We offer you free consulting, regardless of the fact that you are our patient or not, if you have a problem or not or you just need a piece of advice.

You can contact us by the online form , phone number 021 6 571 813, 062 84 83 016, or Viber-a i WhatsApp-a.
We also communicate by Facebook . You can send us a photo or a record and get a piece of advice from our team of experts.

Dental implants - step 2

Accomodation - Dr Lolin Dental

For all our patients who are not from Novi Sad , Dr Lolin Dental offers accommodation in hotels and apartments with garage in Novi Sad. Also available transfer from and to the airport.
Making the treatment process cozier ,we have made for you some additional activities and assistance while staying in Novi Sad.
You do not have to waste time looking for hotels ,we offer apartments supplied with new furniture and all the necessary appliances. Your stay in Novi Sad will be pleasant and safe!

Dental implants - step 3

Why to choose us ?

  • More than 1000 dental placements
  • Professional dental team
  • Affordable prices
  • Modern dental practice with X-ray technology
  • We use laser and CEREC technology
  • We organize accommodation for patients who are not from Novi Sad

New - Teeth right after dental implants placement

Many patients ask us how to act after the placement, while waiting for final teeth for 4 months. There is a solution! After taking out the remaining teeth and dental implants placement , we fix temporary teeth. They are not movable ,they are tightly connected to implant and look aesthetically neat.

Neodent teeth implants

Neodent teeth implants are used in our practice the most. The reason is the high quality of the implants that offers patients the opportunity to get fixed teeth as soon as possible . That is why Neodent implants are premium quality at affordable price!. Training for this dental implant placement technique was on the faculty in Brazil where this approach was created and designed .
By dental implants placement our patients are given back the function of teeth, self confidence and what is the most important : SMILE.

Ugradnjom implantata našim pacijentima smo vratili funkciju zuba, samopouzdanje i što je najvažnije OSMEH.

Time needed for dental implants placement

The dental implants placement is finished within a day. The patient should be available to us -for control checks and removing threads for a couple of days after that. There is a possiblility to place self dissolvent threads so that the patient does not have to come in 7 days. After the operation there might be a swelling that lasts for 2 days, painlessly. If there is a sinus lift swelling it lasts a bit longer,again painlessly.
It takes 7 days for placing teeth over implants and a couple of fittings. Within teethless jaws we do analysis before prosthesis. Before making the implants,we make a plastic prototype with the exact look of your new teeth.We design the smile upon our patients wish! That is how we get the maximum aesthetic result!
While the patient waits a few months to integrate his/her implants (s)he gets acrylic teeth,so that (s)he can act normally !

It takes 3 to 5 days for dental implants placement.
It takes 7 to 10 days for making teeth.

Contact us!

Dental implants - price

Now we have a special price offer 350€ for Neodent implants. That is 150€ less than regular price, which was 500€ . It is the best proportion between the price and the quality. Straumann manufacturer provides the proven quality . It is probably the most affordable price of dental implants placement within the whole region .

4 implants dental placement
1400 €
Permanent non-removable teeth (4)
1300 €
fixed acrylate teeth with metal reinforcement over 4 implants
6 implants dental placement
2100 €
Permanent non-removable teeth ( 6 )
1500 €
ixed acrylate teeth with metal reinforcement over 6 implants
Metal - ceramic teeth ( 6 )
1800 €
Metal - ceramic teeth over 6 implants screw implants
A metal bar construction over implants and abutment prosthesis
1200 €
Temporary non - removable teeth
450 €
Zirconium without metal single crowns over implants

One of the most famous implants around the World is Astra tech. It was invented in Gothenburg , as the first implant, that has still been used nowadays.

Astra tech (Made in Sweden) - special offer priced 500€, egular price 650€.. Save 150€. Probably the best price for Astra tech implant in Serbia.
There are numerous scientific works that show a high percentage of success . One of the most wanted implants in Western Europe

Straumann dental implants. There is a special offer 600€, regular price 700€. According to some of the most prominent dentists,it is the best implant in the World. Made of a unique zirconium and titanium alloy.
Suprastructure on these implants costs 130€, metal ceramic crown costs 120€.

Crown made of pure ceramic screwed on implant costs 350€. Cerec technology being used for cutting and designing it.

If you want to know the exact cost of your personal dental implant placement , please send us big X-ray of all your teeth. Use our web-site contact form.

It is hard to tell the exact cost without the proper X-ray,since it is not always necessary to place as many implants as missing teeth. For example, if there are 3 or 4 teeth missing- it is enough to place 2 teeth. A bridge with 4 teeth may be placed over them.

The price of a ceramic teeth on implant is higher, because of more complexed production. Whereas a tooth between 2 implants (as in a bridge ) is cheaper. Its price is 100 €.

In the first phase implants are placed ,which is paid right after the procedure-on the same day..
4 months after that prosthesis or teeth are made and it is paid 50% after making the impression and 50% when its all done .
These are the prices for dental implants.We offer a full range of dental services,see it in the pricelist. cenovniku.

Types of artificial teeth that can be put over implants

Only one metal-ceramic or pure ceramic crown, Cerec techology computer cut, can be put over implants
It is possible to attach implants to teeth bridge . It is also possible to make total prosthesis without palate abutment over implants. They are characterized by great stability and comfort.
We can make an X-ray of all teeth, so called OPG,in our denal practice, so that we can tell if you are a candidate for the placement and make a therapy plan.

Acrylic teeth strengthened by metal alloy screwed on implants.

It can be put over a few implants. If the lower jaw is very thin it is possible to place 5 implants in the front part and the patient can get a 12-teeth bridge ,which is Brazilian technique based.
Teeth are non-removable , they can be removed in dental practice.
Aestethically attractive, function excellent! Normal food chewing.

Placement price 5 implants 1750 € and 2 teeth over implants 1400 €.
Non-removable temporary teeth over implants 450€. Available 5 days after placement .

BioHpp material base screwed on implants and every single tooth fixed.

Indicated when a few implants are needed . Good aesthetic . Each teeth separately.

Metalceramic teeth screwed on implants

can be made over 6 or more implants. Indicated when there is enough bone for it.
They can be removed in dental practice. They look nice, function perfectly and are made of strong and resistant material.

Price of dental implant placement

Placement of 6 implants 2100€, metal-ceramic teeth over implants 1800€.
Non-removable temporary teeth over implants 450€. Available 5 days after placement.

Mobile prosthesis abutment over implants

We should place 4 implants. They are connected to metal bar in order to keep longevity. Prosthesis has an abutment over metal bar .It does not fall out while speaking and chewing food. There is no long and thick plastic palate .

Price of dental implants placement

Placement of 4 implants 1400€ bar over implants and abutment prosthesis 1200 €.

Crowns from zirconium without metal can be fixed over implants .Firstly , base from ultralight BioHpp material is placed and zirconium crowns are fixed over it,each one separately.

Prices may vary if there is a need to put out teeth or if there is a sinus lift with artificial bone insertion indicated .


Dr Srđan Lolin is an oral surgery specialist, Master of Laser Dentistry. Dental practice Lolin is the only one in this region that does hard and soft tissue surgeries using the most modern laser systems.By using lasers ,we are able to avoid aggressive interventions and get faster recovery.The best results are in periodontal disease treatments. Our patients are offered a full treatment , like in any other big European centers.

Call us!

We are also responsive by Facebook.You can send us X-ray or a record and our team will offer you all the possible solutions to your problem.
If you have any questions and you want a more precise answer about the therapy and price ,you can send us the X-ray of all your teeth by online form. .Our practice is located in Novi Sad.
Contact us

021 6 571 813, 062 84 83 016 or Viber-a and WhatsApp-a, Or you can write [email protected]

Zmaj Ognjena Vuka 14

21000 Novi Sad, Srbija